If you aren’t too familiar with green energy, you are missing out. Not only does it save you some money because your traditional energy costs are lower, you can also know that green energy saves our natural resources and is cleaner and safer than traditional energy. Here are some ways to use green energy as soon as today.
Before you start incorporating green energy sources into your home, you should cut back on the amount of electricity you use. Make sure you’re not wasting power by leaving things turned on when you’re not using them. This way, when you make the switch over to alternative energy sources, you’ll be more efficient with your energy usage.
The U.S. Government makes grant funds available as an incentive for consumers to start using green energy. Speak with the government in your area about these programs. You might qualify for a solar or wind installation at no cost, or at least be able to deduct your expenses from your taxes.
Swap your old incandescent light bulbs for high-efficiency LED or compact fluorescent light bulbs. These bulbs use far less electricity than incandescent, and they come in sizes that fit most existing fixtures. While the up-front cost is generally higher, most of these bulbs will last for years before burning out.
If you are planning on installing solar panels, understand the amount of maintenance required. You have to keep the photovoltaic cells clean. If the cells are installed on your roof, this could mean climbing all over your roof as often as once a month. If you are not able to do that, you’ll need to hire someone.
Think about using the wind to power your home for an excellent source of green energy. You will not only be off the power grid, but the wind is an emission free source of energy that is in plentiful supply in many areas of the world. The initial cost may be high, but the savings in the long run are high as well.
Before you start shopping for a wind power system, know how much power your home consumes. In order to get the most out of a residential wind power system, it needs to be the proper size. If your property is hooked into a utility grid, your wind system should be sized to provide about 50 – 80% of your power needs.
Appliances can be a big, unnecessary energy drain. Find out how much energy each of your appliances are using. Work to replace those larger appliances that are inefficient and outdated, and unplug the smaller ones – like computers and television sets – when they are not in use. Setting all appliances on a timer switch is another way to ensure that you don’t waste energy.
Using green energy can save natural resources, and it will also save you some money. Use the tips in this article like a springboard, and let them get you started on a lifetime of green energy use. You will soon find that green energy is cheap, fun, and give you a sense that you are helping the world.